New Balls, Please?

A couple of people have sent in emails asking us about this. As many of you already know, there is now at least one other tennis blog online with the exact same name as ours. We just wanted to clarify where we stand on all this.

First of all, you are reading the one and only original 'New Balls, Please' blog as we had the name first. We were initially quite dissapointed to find out about the other site as I am sure every single one of you would be too in the situation. We like the name of our blog and we came up with it, as simple as that.

Beside the fact that the people behind the other blog knew or at least now know of the situation, they have not contacted us to explain the situation as of yet. Having said all that, we are mindful of the fact that they might have made a mistake and named their blog without coming across or knowing about ours.

It would just be nice to have some clarification from them and we should be able to work this out and possibly even have 2 awesome 'New Balls, Please' tennis blogs! Because at the end of the day, quality tennis posts for you guys is all that really matters.

Sorry about this post but there were false rumours written around the net and we felt it was time to clear it all up.



UPDATE: We have since been in contact with the writer of the UK New Balls Please blog. We were told that they named their blog without having come across this one and apologised for the mistake. We accept their explanation and look forward to having 2 great New Balls, Please websites. Click here to visit their blog.


JrRad said...

I had no idea there was 2. I do like this one though. Keep up the good work...

NBP said...

Thanks JrRad!

Anonymous said...

do u have any legal rights

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness this have been solved because Gauloises (founder of the other blog) is such a great girl and does a great job on her blog as well. I am sure there is room for both.

I am new here so I hope this is as just as good.